Which of us at least once did not have a deal with such a chemical formation as acetone? It is primarily associated with an extremely unpleasant smell. The range of application of acetone is unusually wide. Different repairs, maintenance of automotive and motorcycle equipment and other technial affairs are not complete without it.
Oddly enough, women may deal with this substance more often than men. After all, liquids for removing deep powder nails contain acetone at their core.
Regardless of whether we like it or not, but in everyday life we have to deal with acetone quite often. Here are just some areas where it is impossible to do without acetone:
• Manufacturing of paint and varnish products
• Production of explosives
• Production of cleaners

If you have to deal with acetone very often, then its negative impact on the human body is of particular relevance.
So, few people know about such a dangerous property of acetone as the ability to accumulate in the body. Therefore, the opinion that working with a small concentration of acetone is safe is completely wrong. If you breathe in the vapors of this substance for a long time, the consequences can be very unpleasant. Acetone acts directly on the central nervous system. This factor is extremely dangerous, but it is not the only one.
Acetone is dangerous not only for its vapors that penetrate the body. It also causes harm in direct contact with it. Reaching the internal organs, acetone has a detrimental effect on them, provoking dangerous diseases.
One of the distinguishing characteristics of acetone is its high volatility. This means that from an open container, it rapidly evaporates, filling the air with its vapors. It can stay in the air for quite a long time, since its decay period under the influence of sunlight is 22 days!
Why is it dangerous to remove deep powder with liquid?

Would you put a cotton pad soaked in acetone on your face for 15 minutes?
No. Why are your hands worth such treatment? Always remember that our skin is a single organ. It must be protected with equal care both on the face and on the heels.
Acetone is a degreaser and it destroys fat molecules. The result - the skin and the nail plate are dried out and deprived of a protective fatty layer. And if the water-fat balance is disturbed, the nail becomes dry and brittle.